High Priority Bookings
Emergency Situations
We are aware that there are times when people need help with paranormal problems right away. If you are experiencing activity where anyone is being harmed, being kept awake at night, or if the level of activity is frightening you, your children or your pets, please let us know.
We will make every effort to coordinate an emergency investigation and or resolution. Dr Arti, our psychic will contact you either via email or phone.

Emergency Situation Reply
The service above is strictly for emergency situations only. If you do not have an emergency
and wish to contact Dr Arti, you may email Dr Arti via our contact form or book a reading with Dr Arti via the services page.
EMAIL SERVICE: If you need help right away, Dr Arti Jangra will contact you. Please note this is not a reading. For an email response please quote your receipt number in the subject box.
PHONE SERVICE: For phone call please provide contact number. We will make 3 attempts to call, the call will last maximum 15 minutes.
MEETING: Meeting will be at Kismat Karma at Hayes office and last 30 minutes.